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User Guide

Welcome to Duke: The Great Auto To-Do List.
Now you can never forget your tasks ever again!

Contents Page

User Interface


Complete the following set up before running this application in your computer:

  1. Java SE Development Kit 11
  2. Download the .jar file and execute it in your command line using the following command:
    java --module-path {PATH_TO_JAVAFX_SDK_11} --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml -jar Greatest_To-Do_List-1.0.jar.


Here are some features that you can expect from the Great To-Do List.

Feature 1: Add your Tasks into the To-Do List

You can add the following types of task.

  1. ToDo Tasks: add ToDos by typing into the dialogue box todo (insert description of task) and then click Enter.
  2. Deadlines: add Deadlines by typing into the dialogue box deadline (insert description of tasks) /by (DD/MM/YYYY) (HHMM).
    Take note that you must input the time of your deadline with reference to the 24-Hour Clock and then click Enter.
  3. Events: add Events by typing into the dialogue box event (insert description of tasks) /at (DD/MM/YYYY) (HHMM).
    Take note that you must input time of event with reference to the 24-Hour Clock and then click Enter.

Feature 2: Deleting your Tasks

Delete tasks by inputting delete (task_number_in_list) in the given dialogue box.

Feature 3: Find your Tasks

Search for your tasks simply by typing in the words found in the tasks.

Feature 4: List your Tasks

The Great To-Do List lists all your tasks by simply typing

Feature 5: Save your Tasks into a TextFile

The Great To-Do List allows you to save your tasks into a text file. The text file is found in {location of Great To-Do Lists}\data.
Your tasks can be found listed within the file duke.txt.

Feature 6: Arrange Deadlines in order

Re-order your deadlines, starting with the deadlines that are earlier than the others.

Feature 7: Arrange Events in order

Re-order your events, starting with the events that are earlier than the others.


Here are the commands you need to use the Great To-Do List.

bye - Exit the Application.

Exit the To-Do List application by inputting this into the dialogue box, then press Enter when prompted by the application.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Bye. Hope to see you again soon!
Press Enter to exit the chat!

Press Enter on keyboard to exit the application

deadline - Creates a new Deadline.

Add deadline into the to-do list using the command deadline INSERT_TASK_DESCRIPTION /by DD/MM/YYYY HHMM.

Example of usage:

deadline Duke Assignment /by 15/09/2019 2000

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task.
[D][X] Duke Assignment (by: 15 September 2019, 08:00PM)
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.

delete - Delete a Task.

Delete a specified task using command delete INDEX OF TASK and press Enter.

Example of usage:

delete 2

Expected outcome:

Noted. I've removed this task:
Followed by the tasks that was in the list at index 6.

deleteAll - Remove all tasks from the task list.

Clear the task list using the command deleteAll and press Enter. Please note that the action is IRREVERSIBLE.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Noted. I've removed ALL tasks.
Now you have 0 tasks in your task list.

done - Mark a Task as Done.

Mark an event as done using the command done TASK_NUMBER IN LIST and then click Enter.

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

Nice! I've marked this task as done:
[T][V] Eat Breakfast

event - Creates a new Event.

Add event into the event list with the command event INSERT_EVENT_DESCRIPTION /at DD/MM/YYYY HHMM then click Enter.

Example of usage:

event High Tea with President /at 13/09/2009 1800

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task.
[E][X] High Tea with President (at: 13 September 2009, 06:00PM)
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.

find - Find a Task with a specific Keyword.

Search for a task with a keyword using the command find KEYWORD

Example of usage: find breakfast

Expected outcome: Here are the tasks in your list:
1. [T][X] Eat Breakfast

list - Lists all Tasks in To-Do List.

List all the tasks in your to-do lists.

Example usage:


Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks in your list:
1. [T][X] Eat Breakfast
2. [T][V] Eat Supper

todo - Creates a new ToDo task.

Add todo task into the to-do list with the command todo INSERT_TASK_DESCRIPTION then click Enter.

Example of usage:

todo Clean the Floor

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task.
[T][X] Clean the Floor
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.

sort - Sorts Deadline/Event in Chronological Order

Re-order either the deadlines or the events in chronological order, starting with the earliest deadline/event.

Example of usage:

sort deadline

Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks in your list:
Followed by a list of all deadlines in ascending date order. Note that these sorted tasks will now appear at the back of your tasks list.

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